A Triangular Reason
This short animated documentary aims to highlight the dyslexic experience within the school system. The multi-dimensional world is explored through 2D and 3D animation, along with experimental sound design.
A Triangular Reason is a documentary animation about dyslexia and the school system. Based on two interviews with dyslexic students. This animation highlights the dyslexic experience, the emotional toll of being diagnosed late and how dyslexia can be a tool for creativity. This multi-sensory world is explored through 2D drawings and 3D: plaster-scene, books and paper, along with experimental sound design, to reflect the dyslexic thought process. This animation will take you through the emotional stages of being diagnosed with dyslexia, through first person recounts. As the subjects draw from their experience your taken through their pasts, in school, all the way up to their post diagnosed selves that shine a light on the explosive benefits of living a dyslexic life.